Connection Information

To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.

Connection Type

Powerbuilder Documentation 2019 – PowerBuilder Library

Powerbuilder Documentation 2019

Powerbuilder Documentation 2019

NumericFormat – PB Docs 2019

NumericFormat database parameter Description If supported by the DBMS or back-end database, setting NumericFormat tells the driver to do special formatting of numeric strings in SQL syntax. This formatting affects how PowerBuilder generates numeric values in the SQL syntax it internally builds in DataWindow objects and sends to your database. Applies to JDB JDBC ODBC…

MidA – PB Docs 2019

MidA PowerScript function Description Temporarily converts a string to DBCS, then returns the specified number of bytes from the string, starting from a specified position. Syntax

Argument Description string The string you want to search. start A long specifying the position of the first byte you want returned. (The position of the first byte…

MinorDivisions – PB Docs 2019

MinorDivisions property for PowerScript controls Applies to grAxis objects in Graph controls Description The MinorDivisions property specifies the number of spaces between major ticks. To see minor ticks, specify a value of two or greater because the last minor tick is overlaid by the next major tick. The default value of 0 in the MajorDivisions…

Modifying Script view properties – PB Docs 2019

Modifying Script view properties The Script view automatically: Color-codes scripts to identify datatypes, system-level functions, flow-of-control statements, comments, and literals Indents the script based on flow-of-control statements You can modify these and other properties. Some properties are shared Some properties you specify for the Script view also affect the file editor, Source editor, Debugger, and…

MaskDataType – PB Docs 2019

MaskDataType property for PowerScript controls Applies to EditMask controls Description This property specifies the datatype of the control. The special characters used to define the mask differ depending on the datatype of the mask control. Usage In a painter To select the mask datatype: Select the desired type from the Type drop-down list box in…

Maintaining database profiles – PB Docs 2019

Maintaining database profiles You can easily edit or delete an existing database profile in PowerBuilder. You can edit a database profile to change one or more of its connection parameters. You can delete a database profile when you no longer need to access its data. You can also change a profile using either the Database…

LogOpts – PB Docs 2019

LogOpts property for PowerScript controls Applies to MLSynchronization and MLSync objects Description Specifies dbmlsync options to control logging output. Usage At design time, you can enter a value for LogOpts in the Log Options text box on the Logging tab of the Properties view for an MLSync object. At runtime, application users can enter a…

Manipulating Graphs – PB Docs 2019

Manipulating Graphs Contents Using graphs Populating a graph with data Modifying graph properties Accessing data properties Using point and click About this chapter This chapter describes how to write code that allows you to access and change a graph in your application at runtime. Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.

KeepAlive – PB Docs 2019

KeepAlive database parameter Description Determines whether packets are sent to the database to ensure that the connection is still active. When to specify KeepAlive You must specify the KeepAlive parameter before connecting to the database. Applies to ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Syntax

Parameter Description value Specifies whether the Open Client/Server CS_CON_KEEPALIVE property…

LeftMargin – PB Docs 2019

LeftMargin property for PowerScript controls Applies to RichTextEdit controls Description The LeftMargin property specifies the size in inches of the left margin on the printed page. Usage In a painter To set the left margin: Enter the desired size in inches in the Left Margin field of the Document tab page of the RichTextEdit control’s…