Properties for EAServer Component Generator: Libraries tab
Specify whether PowerBuilder libraries in the library list
will be consolidated into a single PowerBuilder Dynamic Library
(PBD) to be deployed to the EAServer host.
Checked libraries will be consolidated
Check the names of all libraries to be included in a consolidated
PBD. The PBD will contain all referenced objects in the checked
libraries. Separate PBDs will be built from unchecked libraries.
Include unreferenced objects in consolidated
Check to specify that all objects in the checked libraries
be included in the consolidated PBD. If this box is not checked,
only referenced objects are included.
Include unreferenced objects in consolidated
Check to specify that all objects in the checked libraries
be included in the consolidated PBD. If this box is not checked,
only referenced objects are included.
Check to include DataWindows
If your scripts reference DataWindow objects dynamically,
you must check this box to make them available to the component.
Consolidate new libraries by default
Check to specify that new libraries added to the library list
should be consolidated by default.
Consolidated PBD name
If you specified that a consolidated PBD file should be built,
specify its name and location.
PowerBuilder resource file
If there is a PowerBuilder Resource (PBR) file associated
with the consolidated library, browse to select it. A PBR file is
a text file that lists dynamically assigned resources such as bitmaps.
If a PBR file exists, the resources it lists are built into the
consolidated library.