Using Transaction objects to call stored procedures – PB Docs 150

Using Transaction objects to call stored procedures

SQLCA is a built-in
global variable of type transaction that is used in all PowerBuilder
applications. In your application, you can define a specialized version
of SQLCA that performs certain
processing or calculations on your data.

If your database supports stored procedures, you might already
have defined remote stored procedures to perform these operations.
You can use the remote procedure call (RPC) technique to define
a customized version of the Transaction object that calls these
database stored procedures in your application.

note.png Result sets

You cannot use the RPC technique to access
result sets returned by stored procedures. If the stored procedure
returns one or more result sets, PowerBuilder ignores the values
and returns the output parameters and return value. If your stored
procedure returns a result set, you can use the embedded SQL DECLARE Procedure statement
to call it.

For information about the DECLARE
statement, see the chapter on SQL statements in the PowerScript

Overview of the RPC procedure

To call database stored procedures from within your PowerBuilder
application, you can use the remote procedure call technique and
PowerScript dot notation (object.function)
to define a customized version of the Transaction object that calls
the stored procedures.

proc.png To call database stored procedures in your application:

  1. From the Objects tab in the New dialog
    box, define a standard class user object inherited from the built-in
    Transaction object.

  2. In the Script view in the User Object painter,
    use the RPCFUNC keyword to declare the stored
    procedure as an external function or subroutine for the user object.

  3. Save the user object.

  4. In the Application painter, specify the user object
    you defined as the default global variable type for SQLCA.

  5. Code your PowerBuilder application to use the
    user object.

For instructions on using the User Object
and Application painters and the Script view in PowerBuilder, see
the PowerBuilder Users Guide.

Understanding the example

u_trans_database user object

The following sections give step-by-step instructions for
using a Transaction object to call stored procedures in your application.
The example shows how to define and use a standard class user object
named u_trans_database.

The u_trans_database user
object is a descendant of (inherited from) the built–in
Transaction object SQLCA.
A descendant is an object that inherits functionality
(properties, variables, functions, and event scripts) from an ancestor
object. A descendent object is also called a subclass.

GIVE_RAISE stored procedure

The u_trans_database user
object calls an Oracle database stored procedure named GIVE_RAISE that
calculates a five percent raise on the current salary. Here is the
Oracle syntax to create the GIVE_RAISE stored

note.png SQL terminator

The syntax shown here for creating an Oracle stored procedure
assumes that the SQL statement
terminator character is ` (backquote).

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