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Unsupported Functions for Controls in Web Forms – PB Docs 120 – PowerBuilder Library

Unsupported Functions for Controls in Web Forms – PB Docs 120

Unsupported Functions for Controls in Web Forms

Some PowerBuilder control functions cannot be used in applications deployed to ASP.NET.

This table lists unsupported functions, the controls on which they are not supported, and any notes that apply to specific controls. If your application uses these functions, rework it to avoid their use:

Function Controls not supporting function
AcceptText DataWindow
AddData Graph (supported for all datatypes except string values)
AddItem UserObject
AddStatePicture TreeView
Arrange ListView
CanUndo All controls
Check Menu (supported in all menu controls, but check mark appearance is not the same as in PowerBuilder applications)
Clear Most controls (supported in EditMask controls)
ClearAll RichTextEdit
Clipboard Graph
CloseChannel Window
Copy All controls
CopyRTF DataStore, DataWindow, RichTextEdit
Cut All controls
DataSource RichTextEdit
DeleteItem UserObject
DeleteStatePicture TreeView
DeleteStatePictures TreeView
DirList ListBox, DropDownListBox, PictureListBox, DropDownPictureListBox (supported, but can only include files from the virtual file system)
Drag Most controls (supported in list box controls)
EditLabel ListView, TreeView
EventParmDouble UserObject
EventParmString UserObject
ExecRemote Window
Find DataWindow, RichTextEdit
FindNext DataWindow, RichTextEdit
GenerateResultSet DataStore, DataWindow
GetAlignment RichTextEdit
GetCalendar DatePicker
GetCommandDDE Window
GetCommandDDEOrigin Window
GetContextService Window (supported for ClassDefinition, ScriptDefinition, TypeDefinition, and VariableDefinition objects)
GetDataDDE Window
GetDataDDEOrigin Window
GetDataLabelling Graph
GetDataTransparency Graph
GetDisplayRange MonthCalendar
GetNextSheet Window (returns sheet instead of frame)
GetItemAtPointer ListView, TreeView
GetOrigin ListView
GetParagraphSetting RichTextEdit
GetRemote Window
GetRichTextAlign DataWindow
GetRichTextColor DataWindow
GetRichTextFaceName DataWindow
GetRichTextSize DataWindow
GetRichTextStyle DataWindow
GetSeriesLabelling Graph
GetSeriesTransparency Graph
GetSpacing RichTextEdit
GetText DataWindow
GetTextColor RichTextEdit
GetTextStyle RichTextEdit
GetToolbar Window
GetToolbarPos Window
ImportClipboard DataWindow, Graph
ImportFile Graph
InputField functions RichTextEdit
InsertData Graph (supported for all datatypes except string value.)
InsertDocument DataWindow
InsertItem UserObject
InsertPicture RichTextEdit
IsPreview RichTextEdit
LineCount DataWindow, EditMask, MultiLineEdit, RichTextEdit
LineLength DataWindow, EditMask, MultiLineEdit, RichTextEdit
OLEActivate DataWindow
OpenChannel Window
PageCount RichTextEdit
Paste All controls
PasteRTF DataStore, DataWindow, RichTextEdit
Position DataWindow, DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, EditMask, MultiLineEdit, RichTextEdit
Preview RichTextEdit
Print All controls (can be used for DataWindows and DataStores to print to PDF files)
PrintEx RichTextEdit
ReplaceText DataWindow, DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, EditMask, RichTextEdit
RespondRemote Window
SaveAs Graph
Scroll DataWindow, EditMask, MultiLineEdit, RichTextEdit
Seek Animation
SelectedColumn RichTextEdit
SelectedLength DataWindow, DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, EditMask, RichTextEdit
SelectedLine DataWindow, EditMask, MultiLineEdit, RichTextEdit
SelectedStart DataWindow, DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, EditMask, MultiLineEdit, RichTextEdit
SelectedText DataWindow, DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, EditMask, RichTextEdit
SelectionRange HTrackbar, VTrackbar
SelectText DataWindow, DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, EditMask, RichTextEdit
SelectTextAll RichTextEdit
SelectTextLine RichTextEdit
SelectTextWord RichTextEdit
SetActionCode All controls
SetAlignment RichTextEdit
SetCultureFormat DataWindow
SetDataDDE Window
SetDataLabelling Graph
SetDataTransparency Graph
SetDetailHeight DataWindow
SetDropHighLight TreeView
SetFirstVisible TreeView
SetFocus DataWindow, Graph
SetLevelPictures TreeView
SetMicroHelp Window
SetOverlayPicture ListView, TreeView
SetParagraphSetting RichTextEdit
SetPosition RichTextEdit
SetRedraw All controls
SetRemote Window
SetRichTextAlign DataWindow
SetRichTextColor DataWindow
SetRichTextFaceName DataWindow
SetRichTextSize DataWindow
SetRichTextStyle DataWindow
SetSeriesLabelling Graph
SetSeriesTransparency Graph
SetSpacing RichTextEdit
SetText DataWindow
SetTextColor RichTextEdit
SetTextStyle RichTextEdit
SetToolbar Window
SetToolbarPos Window
SetTop ListBox, PictureListBox
ShowHeadFoot DataWindow, RichTextEdit
StartHotLink Window
StartServerDDE Window
StopHotLink Window
StopServerDDE Window
TextLine DataWindow, EditMask, MultiLineEdit, RichTextEdit
Top ListBox, PictureListBox
Undo All controls

Control functions with partial support

  • FindItem � in Web Forms applications, the FindItem function is supported for all list box controls and the TreeView control. The syntax for finding an item by its label is also fully supported for the ListView control. However, the syntax for finding an item by its relative position in a ListView control is only partially supported. In Web Forms applications, the cuthighlighted and drophighlighted arguments are not supported, and DirectionAll! is the only supported value for the direction argument.

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