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System Option – PB Docs 126 – PowerBuilder Library

System Option – PB Docs 126

System Option

Select an option to determine whether a message box
appears if you run or debug a project when it is out of date.

The On click Run, if .NET application projects are
out of date
drop-down list on the General tab
of the System Options dialog box controls the appearance of a message box when a project is out of date.

This table describes the selections available in the drop-down

Drop-down list selections for incremental builds


Effect when you click or select Run or

Ask me

(Default selection.) Causes a message
box to appear if the current project has been modified since the
last time it was deployed, or if it has never been deployed before.

Always redeploy

Always redeploys a project before running
or debugging it. It first rebuilds the project using the rebuild
scope set in the Project painter.

Never redeploy

Never redeploys a project before trying
to run it, although it does deploy a project that has not been previously
deployed, and then attempts to run or debug that project. (Do
not use this option to debug a project that you have previously

The message box that prompts you to redeploy an out-of-date
project appears only when the drop-down list selection
is �Ask me.� This selection changes automatically
to �Always redeploy� if you click Yes in the message box
when the �Do not ask me again� option is selected.
It changes to �Never redeploy� if you click No. You can always reset the option from the System Options dialog box.

Parent topic: Incremental Builds

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