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Syntax 1 System-defined shape – PB Docs 126 – PowerBuilder Library

Syntax 1 System-defined shape – PB Docs 126

Syntax 1 System-defined shape


Sets the mouse pointer to a specified system-defined shape.





A value of the Pointer enumerated datatype
indicating the type of pointer you want. Values are:

  • AppStarting!

  • Arrow!

  • Cross!

  • Beam!

  • Help!

  • HourGlass!

  • Hyperlink!

  • Icon!

  • None!

  • Size!

  • SizeNS!

  • SizeNESW!

  • SizeWE!

  • SizeNWSE!

  • UpArrow!

Return Values

Pointer. Returns the enumerated type of the pointer it replaced
so the script can restore it, if necessary. If type is null, SetPointer returns null.


Use SetPointer to display an hourglass
at the beginning of a script when the script will take a long time
to execute. The pointer remains set until you change it again in
the script or the script terminates.

note.png Restoring the arrow pointer

The pointer automatically changes back to an arrow when the
script finishes executing. You do not have to change it back to
an arrow.

In PowerBuilder’s painters, you can specify the pointer
shape that PowerBuilder displays when the user moves the pointer
over a window, a control, or specific parts of a DataWindow object.
The available shapes include the stock pointers listed above, as
well as any custom cursor files you have.


This statement sets the pointer to the hourglass

This example saves the old pointer and restores it
when a long activity is completed:

Document get from Powerbuilder help
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