Strategies for using storages
Storing data in a storage is not like storing data in a database.
A storage file does not enforce any particular data organization;
you can organize each storage any way you want. You can design a
hierarchical system with nested storages, or you can simply put
several substorages at the root level of a storage file to keep
them together for easy deployment and backup. The storages in a single
file can be from the different OLE server applications.
If your DBMS does not support a blob datatype or if your database administrator
does not want large blob objects in a database log, you can use storages
as an alternative way of storing OLE data.
It is up to you to keep track of the structure of a storage.
You can write a stream at the root level that lists the member names
of the storages and streams in a storage file. You can also write
streams that contain labels or database keys as a way of documenting
the storage.