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Starting the pipeline – PB Docs 70 – PowerBuilder Library

Starting the pipeline – PB Docs 70

Starting the pipeline

With the setup chores taken care of, you can now start the
execution of your pipeline.

proc.gif To start pipeline execution:

  1. Code
    the Start function in an appropriate script. In this function, you’ll specify:

    • The Transaction object
      for the source database.
    • The Transaction object for the destination database.
    • The DataWindow control in which you want the Start
      function to display any error rows. It will accomplish this by automatically associating
      the PowerBuilder pipeline-error DataWindow object with your DataWindow
      control when needed.
    • Values for retrieval arguments you’ve defined
      in the Pipeline object. If you omit these values, the Start function
      will prompt the user for them automatically at execution time.
  2. Test the result of the Start function.

For more information on coding the Start function,
see the PowerScript Reference


The following sample code starts pipeline execution in the
order entry application.

Calling the Start function When users want to start their selected pipeline, they click
the cb_write CommandButton in the w_sales_extract


This executes the Clicked event of cb_write, which
contains the Start function:

Notice that they didn’t supply a value for the pipeline’s
retrieval argument (quarter
). As a consequence,
the Start function prompts the user for it:


Testing the result The next few lines of code in the Clicked event of cb_write
check the Start function’s return value. This lets the
application know whether it succeeded or not (and if not, what went

Monitoring pipelineprogress

Testing the Start function’s return value isn’t
the only way to monitor the status of pipeline execution. Another
technique you can use is to retrieve statistics that your supporting
user object keeps concerning the number of rows processed. They
provide a live count of:

  • The rows read
    the pipeline from the source tables
  • The rows written
    by the pipeline
    to the destination table or to the error DataWindow control
  • The rows in error
    that the
    pipeline has written to the error DataWindow control (but not to
    the destination table)

By retrieving these statistics from the supporting user object,
you can dynamically display them in the window and enable users
to watch the pipeline’s progress.

proc.gif To display pipeline row statistics:

  1. Open your supporting user object in the
    User Object painter.

    The User Object painter workspace displays, enabling you to
    edit your user object.

  2. Declare three instance variables of type StaticText:

    You’ll use these instance variables later to hold
    three StaticText controls from your window. This will enable the
    user object to manipulate those controls directly and make them
    dynamically display the various pipeline row statistics.

  3. In the user object’s PipeMeter event
    script, code statements to assign the values of properties inherited
    from the pipeline system object to the Text property of your three
    StaticText instance variables.

  4. Save your changes to the user object, then close
    the User Object painter.

  5. Open your window in the Window painter.

  6. Insert three StaticText controls in the window:

    • One to display the RowsRead
    • One to display the RowsWritten value
    • One to display the RowsInError value


  7. Edit the window’s Open event script (or
    some other script that executes right after the window opens).

    In it, code statements to assign the three StaticText controls
    (which you just inserted in the window) to the three corresponding
    StaticText instance variables you declared earlier in the user object.
    This enables the user object to manipulate these controls directly.

    In the sample order entry application, this logic is in a
    user event named uevent_pipe_setup (which is posted
    from the Open event of the w_sales_extract window):

  8. Save your changes to the window. Then close the
    Window painter.

    When you start a pipeline in the w_sales_extract
    window of the order entry application, the user object’s
    PipeMeter event triggers and executes its code to display pipeline
    row statistics in the three StaticText controls:


Canceling pipelineexecution

In many cases you’ll want to provide users (or the
application itself) with the ability to stop execution of a pipeline
while it is in progress. For instance, you may want to give users
a way out if they start the pipeline by mistake or if execution
is taking longer than desired (maybe because a large number of rows are

proc.gif To cancel pipeline execution:

  1. Code the Cancel function in an appropriate

    Make sure that either the user or your application can execute
    this function (if appropriate) once the pipeline has started. When
    Cancel is executed, it stops the piping of any more rows after that

    Rows that have already been piped up to that moment may or
    may not be committed to the destination table, depending on the
    Commit property you specified when building your Pipeline object
    in the Data Pipeline painter. You’ll learn more about committing
    in the next section.

  2. Test the result of the Cancel function.

For more information on coding the Cancel
function, see the PowerScript Reference


The following example uses a command button to let users cancel
pipeline execution in the order entry application.

Providing a CommandButton When creating the w_sales_extract window, include
a CommandButton control named cb_stop. Then write code
in a few of the application’s scripts to enable this CommandButton
when pipeline execution starts and to disable it when the piping
is done.

Calling the Cancel function Next write a script for the Clicked event of cb_stop.
This script calls the Cancel function and tests whether or not it
worked properly:

Together, these features let a user of the application click
the cb_stop CommandButton to cancel a pipeline that’s
currently executing.

Committing updatesto the database

When a Pipeline object executes, it commits updates to the
destination table according to your specifications in the Data Pipeline
painter. You don’t need to write any COMMIT statements
in your application’s scripts (unless you specified the
value None
for the Pipeline object’s
Commit property).


For instance, both of the Pipeline objects in the order entry
application (pipe_sales_extract1 and pipe_sales_extract2)
are defined in the Data Pipeline painter to commit all
As a result, the Start function (or the Repair function) will pipe
every appropriate row and then issue a commit.

You might want instead to define a Pipeline object that periodically
issues commits
as rows are being piped, such as after every 10 or 100 rows.

If the Cancel function is called

A related topic is what happens with committing if your application
calls the Cancel function to stop a pipeline that’s currently
executing. In this case too, the Commit property in the Data Pipeline
painter determines what to do:

If your Commit value is Then Cancel does this
All Rolls back every row that was piped by
the current Start function (or Repair function)
A particular number of rows (such as 1
, 10
or 100
Commits every row that was piped up to
the moment of cancellation

This is the same commit/rollback behavior that occurs
when a pipeline reaches its Max Errors limit (which is also specified
in the Data Pipeline painter).

For more information on controlling commits
and rollbacks for a Pipeline object, see the PowerBuilder User’s


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