Select Custom Control dialog box
Specify characteristics of the custom control you are inserting
into a PowerBuilder .NET DataWindow object.
Dialog options
If the custom control is defined in a XAML file, enter or
browse to this file.
Click the ellipsis button associated with this field to display
the list of available custom controls included in assemblies referenced
by the current target. You can select a control from the list to
display its XAML definition in the Preview/Edit XAML list
Preview/Edit XAML
This list box allows you to view the XAML that defines the
controls and make minor edits to the XAML definition.
Select the database table that will contain the column into
which you will save and from which you will load the custom control.
You can only select a table that is referenced in the DataWindow
SELECT statement.
Specifies the column with data for binding to the custom control.
Key Clause
Enter a key clause. This is used to build the WHERE clause
in the SELECT or UPDATE statements for the column containing the
custom control. For example, if “id” is the index on your table
you might enter:
1 |
id = :id |