RowFocusChanged event
Occurs when the current row changes in the DataWindow.
PowerBuilder event information
Event ID: pbm_dwnrowchange
Argument |
Description |
currentrow |
Long by value. The number of the row |
Web DataWindow client control event information
Event name: RowFocusChanged
Argument |
Description |
newRow |
Number. The number of the row that has |
Web ActiveX event information
Event name: beforeRowFocusChange
Argument |
Description |
CurrentRow |
Number. The number of the row that has |
Return Values
There are no special outcomes for this event. The only code
0 Continue processing
The SetRow method, as well as user actions,
can trigger the RowFocusChanged and ItemFocusChanged events.
In a read-only DataWindow, when you click on any column that
is not in the current row, the RowFocusChanging and RowFocusChanged
events fire, but the current column is not changed—the
current column remains at 0, since no column can have focus. DataWindows
are read-only if updates are not allowed, all tab orders are set
to 0, or all tab columns are protected.
If, however, focus is on an editable column in an updatable
DataWindow (a DataWindow that has one or more editable columns),
the row focus events do not fire when you click on a protected column
or on a column whose tab order is 0. The focus remains on the current,
editable column.
If focus moves off an editable column in an updatable DataWindow,
the DataWindow switches to read-only mode. This can happen when
the last row in the DataWindow does not have an editable column.
In this case, tabbing off the last editable column causes the row
focus to move to the row following the row with the last editable
column. The DataWindow then remains in read-only mode until focus
is given to an editable column.
When you use the ScrollToRow method to
change focus, the RowFocusChanging event is triggered before the
scroll occurs, and the RowFocusChanged event is triggered after
the scroll occurs.
This example displays the current row number and
the total number of rows in a SingleLineEdit:
1 |
sle_1.Text = "Row " + String(currentrow) & |
1 |
+ " of " + String(This.RowCount()) |