RoundTo – PB Docs 150

RoundTo property for PowerScript controls


grAxis objects in Graph controls


When the AutoScale property is enabled, the RoundTo and RoundToUnit properties
specify how to round the end points and tick marks of an axis. Rounding
affects axis labels, not graph data.

The RoundTo property specifies the value to which you want
to round the axis values, in the units specified by the RoundToUnit


In a painter

proc.png To set the value to which to round axis values:

  1. Display the Axis tab page from the graph
    control’s Properties view and select the desired axis from
    the Axis list.

  2. Turn on autoscaling by checking the AutoScale
    check box.

  3. Choose the datatype of the axis by selecting an
    option from the DataType drop-down list.

  4. Enter a value in the RoundTo edit field.

In scripts

The RoundTo property takes a double value indicating the multiple
to which you want to round axis tick marks.

The following example sets the datatype of the Values axis
to date, sets the unit for rounding to months, and then sets the
rounding value to six months:

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