Properties for EAServer Proxy Generator: General tab – PB Docs 150

Properties for EAServer Proxy Generator: General tab


Specify properties for generated EAServer proxy objects and
the library that contains them. This library should be deployed
with the client application.


Deployment PBL

Specify the name and location of the PBL that will contain the
proxy objects. Click the browse button to browse the file system.

Library comments

Specify comments that will be associated with the PBL.

Clear deployment PBL on project build

Check if you want PowerBuilder to delete the existing PBL
and create a new one that contains the generated proxy objects.
If you clear this check box, PowerBuilder will add the generated proxy
objects to the existing library if one with the same name already

Confirm before removing objects from deployment

Check if you want PowerBuilder to prompt you before overwriting
the output file if a library with the same name already exists.
This check box is only enabled when the Clear Deployment PBL on
Project Build check box is selected.

Prepend EAServer package name to object name

Check to prepend the name of the EAServer package followed
by an underscore to the name of the object.

Exclude exceptions from method signatures

Check if a user-defined exception is associated with one or
more methods of the component and you do not want to return the
exception object or have the proxy object reference the exception.

See also

Document get from Powerbuilder help
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