The PBDOM_DOCUMENT class defines behavior for an
XML DOM document. Methods allow access to the root element, processing instructions,
and other document-level information.
The PBDOM_DOCUMENT class inherits from a PBDOM_OBJECT
and so provides specialized implementations for most of the PBDOM_OBJECT
class methods.
Some of the inherited methods from PBDOM_OBJECT serve
no meaningful objective and only default or trivial functionalities
result. These are described in the following table:
Method |
Always returns |
Detach |
The current PBDOM_DOCUMENT |
GetName |
The string “#document” |
GetOwnerDocumentObject |
null |
GetParentObject |
null |
GetText |
An empty string |
GetTextNormalize |
An empty string |
GetTextTrim |
An empty string |
SetName |
false |
SetParentObject |
The current PBDOM_DOCUMENT |
PBDOM_DOCUMENT has the following non-trivial methods: