NCharLiteral – PB Docs 126

NCharLiteral database parameter


Specifies whether the NChar literal replacement feature in
the Oracle client is enabled. This feature replaces string literals
on the client that are prefaced with the letter N with an internal
format. The internal format is decoded to Unicode by the database
server when the statement is executed.

note.png When to specify NCharLiteral

You must specify the NCharLiteral parameter before connecting
to the database.


  • O10 Oracle 10g

  • ORA Oracle 11g





Specifies whether PowerBuilder replaces
string literals prefaced with the letter N in SQL command
text. Values are:

  • ‘No’

    (Default) The text of any literal is encoded in the same character
    set as the rest of the statement on the client.

  • ‘Yes’

    The text of any literal prefixed by N is replaced with an internal




The NCharLiteral database parameter requires Oracle 10.2 or
higher on both the client and the database server.

By default, in a SQL statement,
the text of any literal is encoded in the same character set as
the rest of the statement. The character set on the client is determined
by the client character set defined in NLS_LANG. When the statement
is executed, the character set on the client is converted to the character
set on the database server.

Data in string literals is lost in the conversion if the character
set on the database server does not contain the characters used
on the client. NChar string literals are most affected by this issue
because they are designed to be independent of the character set
on the database server.

To avoid this data loss, add the letter N before string literals
that should be replaced with an internal format and set the NCharLiteral
database parameter to ‘Yes’. This setting causes
the Oracle client to encode all literals prefixed with N in statements
on the client with an internal format. The database server decodes
the literals to Unicode when the statement is executed.

For example, when NCharLiteral is set to “Yes”,
the string “some unicode data” in the following SQL statement is transferred from
the client to the server with no data loss:

Setting NCharLiteral to ‘Yes’ has no effect
on DataWindow functions.


To specify that string literals prefixed by the letter
N should be replaced with an internal format on the client:

  • Database profile

    Select the NChar Literal box on the Connection page in the
    Database Profile Setup dialog box.

  • Application

    Type the following in code:

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