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Naming controls – PB Docs 90 – PowerBuilder Library

Naming controls – PB Docs 90

Naming controls

When you place a control in a window, PowerBuilder assigns
it a unique name. The name is the concatenation of the default prefix
for the control name and the lowest 1- to 4-digit number that makes
the name unique.

For example, assume the prefix for ListBoxes is lb_ and
you add a ListBox to the window:

  • If the names lb_1, lb_2,
    and lb_3 are currently used, the default
    name is lb_4
  • If lb_1 and lb_3 are
    currently used but lb_2 is not, the
    default name is lb_2

About the default prefixes

Each type of control has a default prefix for its name. Table 11-1 lists the initial default
prefix for each control (note that there is no prefix for a window).

Table 11-1: Default prefixes for window control
Control Prefix
check box cbx_
CommandButton cb_
DataWindow dw_
DropDownListBox ddlb_
DropDownPictureListBox ddplb_
EditMask em_
Graph gr_
GroupBox gb_
HProgressBar hpb_
HScrollBar hsb_
HTrackBar htb_
Line ln_
ListBox lb_
ListView lv_
MultiLineEdit mle_
OLE 2.0 ole_
Oval ov_
Picture p_
PictureHyperLink phl_
PictureButton pb_
PictureListBox plb_
RadioButton rb_
Rectangle r_
RichTextEdit rte_
RoundRectangle rr_
SingleLineEdit sle_
StaticText st_
StaticHyperLink shl_
Tab tab_
TreeView tv_
User Object uo_
VProgressBar vpb_
VScrollBar vsb_
VTrackBar vtb_

Changing the default prefixes

You can change the default prefixes for controls in the Window
painter’s Options dialog box. Select Design>Options
from the menu bar to open the Options dialog box. The changes you
make are saved in the PowerBuilder initialization file. For more
about the PowerBuilder initialization file, see “How the PowerBuilder
environment is managed”

the name

You should change the default suffix to a suffix that is meaningful
in your application. For example, if you have command buttons that
update and retrieve database information, you might call them cb_update and cb_retrieve. If
you have many controls on a window, using intuitive names makes
it easier for you and others to write and understand scripts for
these controls.

Using application-based names instead of sequential numbers
also minimizes the likelihood that you will have name conflicts
when you use inheritance to create windows.

proc.gif To change a control’s name:

  1. Select the control to display the control’s
    properties in the Properties view.

  2. On the General tab page, select the application-specific
    suffix (for example, the 1 in
    the cb_1 command
    button name) and type a more meaningful one.

    You can use any valid PowerBuilder identifier with up to 40
    characters. For information about PowerBuilder identifiers, see
    the PowerScript Reference.

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