Modifying a .NET Web Service Project
You can modify a .NET Web Service project from the Project painter.
The Project painter shows all the values you selected in .NET Web Service target or project wizards. However, you can also modify version, debug, and run settings from the Project painter, and select and rename functions of the nonvisual objects that you deploy to a .NET Web Service component.
.NET Web Service project tab pages
Each .NET Web Service project has these tab pages:
- General tab � includes debug fields that are not available in the target or project wizards.
Project painter field Description Debug or Release Options that determine whether the project is deployed as a debug build (default selection) or a release build. You use debug builds for debugging purposes. Release builds have better performance, but when you debug a release build, the debugger does not stop at breakpoints. Enable DEBUG symbol Option to activate code inside conditional compilation blocks using the DEBUG symbol. This selection does not affect and is not affected by the project�s debug build or release build setting. This option is selected by default. - Deploy tab � the fields on the Deploy tab are all available in the .NET Web Service project wizard. For descriptions of fields available on the Deploy tab, see the first table in .NET Assembly Targets.
- Objects tab � allows you to select the methods to make available for each nonvisual object you deploy as a Web service. You can rename the methods as Web service messages. This table describes the Objects tab fields for a .NET Web Service project:
Objects tab field Description Custom class Select an object in this treeview list to edit its list of methods for inclusion in or exclusion from the Web service component. You can edit the list for all the objects you want to include in the component, but you must do this for one object at a time. Object name You can change the object name only by selecting a different object in the Custom Class treeview. Web service name Specifies the name for the Web service. By default, this takes the name of the current custom class user object. Target namespace Specifies the target namespace. The default namespace for an IIS Web service is: Typically you change this to a company domain name. Web service URL Specifies the deployment location for the current custom class user object. This is a read-only field. The location combines selections on the General, Deploy, and Objects tabs for the current project. Web service WSDL Specifies the WSDL file created for the project. This is a read-only field. It appends the �?WSDL� suffix to the Web service URL. Browse Web Service If you have previously deployed the project to the named IIS server on the Deploy tab of the current project, you can click this button to display a test page for the existing Web service. If a Web service has not been deployed yet for the current custom class object, a browser error message displays. The button is disabled if you selected the option to deploy the current project to a setup file. View WSDL If you previously deployed the project to the named IIS server on the Deploy tab of the current project, you can click this button to display the existing WSDL file. If a Web service has not been deployed yet for the current custom class object, a browser error message displays. The button is disabled if you selected the option to deploy the current project to a setup file. Message names and Function prototypes Select the check box for each function of the selected custom class object that you want to deploy in a .NET Web service component. Clear the check box for each function you do not want to deploy. You can modify the message names in the Message Names column. The Function Prototype column is for descriptive purposes only. Change message name You enable this button by selecting a function in the list of message names. PowerBuilder allows overloaded functions, but each function you deploy in a component class must have a unique name. After you click the Change Message Name button, you can edit the selected function name in the Message Name column. Select All and Unselect All Click the Select All button to select all the functions of the current custom class object for deployment. Click the Unselect All button to clear the check boxes of all functions of the current custom class object. Functions with unselected check boxes are not deployed as messages for a Web service component. - Resource Files tab � the fields on this tab are the same as those in the project wizard. However, as for the .NET Assembly project, there is one additional field that is not included in the project or target wizard. This field is a Recursive check box next to each directory you add to the Resource Files list. By default, this check box is selected for each directory when you add it to the list, but you can clear the check box to avoid deployment of unnecessary subdirectory files.
- Library Files tab � includes fields for the Win 32 dynamic libraries you want to deploy with your project. These fields are described in .NET Web Service Targets. The Library Files tab also includes a list of PBL files for the target. You can select a check box next to each PBL files containing DataWindow or Query objects to make sure they are compiled and deployed as PBD files.
- Version tab � the fields on this tab cannot be set in the target or project wizards:
Version tab field Description Product name,
Description, and
CopyrightUse these fields to specify identification, description, and copyright information that you want to associate with the assembly you generate for the project. Product version,
File version, and
AssemblyEnter major, minor, build, and revision version numbers for the product, file, and assembly. - Post-build tab � the items on this tab cannot be set in the target or project wizards. Select a build type and click Add to include command lines that run immediately after you deploy the project. For example, you can include a command line to process the generated component in a code obfuscator program, keeping the component safe from reverse engineering. The command lines run in the order listed, from top to bottom. You can save separate sequences of command lines for debug and release build types.
- Security tab � on this tab, configure CAS security zones for Web Service components, minimizing the amount of trust required before component code is run from a user application. A radio button group field on the Security tab allows you to select full trust (default) or a customized trust option. The list box below the radio button group is disabled when full trust is selected, but it allows you to select or display the permissions you want to include or exclude when the custom option is selected.
For information on custom permission requirements, see Security Settings
- Run tab � the fields on this tab cannot be set in the target or project wizards:
Run tab field Description Application Use this text box to enter the name of an application with code that invokes the classes and methods of the generated assembly. If you do not enter an application name, you get an error message when you try to run or debug the deployed project from the PowerBuilder IDE. Argument Use this text box to enter any parameters for an application that invokes the classes and methods of the deployed project. Start In Use this text box to enter the starting directory for an application that invokes the classes and methods of the deployed project. - Sign tab � the settings on this tab are the same as those available for other .NET projects, although the field that permits calls to strong-named assemblies from partially trusted code is available only for .NET Assembly and .NET Web Service projects. For descriptions of the fields on the Sign tab, see Strong-Named Assemblies.
Parent topic: .NET Web Service Targets
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