GetItemUnformattedString method (DataWindows)
raw (unformatted) data whose type is String from the specified buffer of
a DataWindow control or DataStore object.
Separate method names, GetItemUnformattedStringByColNum, GetItemUnformattedStringEx,
and GetItemUnformattedStringByColNumEx are provided
as alternative syntaxes for the Web DataWindow server component,
which cannot use overloaded methods.
DataWindow type |
Method applies to |
PowerBuilder |
DataWindow control, DataWindowChild object, DataStore |
Web |
Server component |
Web ActiveX |
DataWindow control, DataWindowChild object |
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string <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetItemUnformattedString</span> ( long <span>row</span>, <br> integer <span>column</span> {, DWBuffer <span>dwbuffer</span>, boolean <span>originalvalue</span> } )<br>string <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetItemUnformattedString</span> ( long <span>row</span>, string <span>column</span> <br> {, DWBuffer <span>dwbuffer</span>, boolean <span>originalvalue</span> } ) |
[Web DataWindow server component]
1 |
string <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetItemUnformattedString</span> ( long <span>row</span>, string <span>column</span> )<br>string <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetItemUnformattedStringByColNum</span> ( long <span>row</span>,<br> short <span>column</span> )<br>string <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetItemUnformattedStringByColNumEx</span> ( long <span>row</span>,<br> short <span>column</span>, string <span>dwbuffer</span>, boolean <span>originalvalue</span> )<br>string <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetItemUnformattedStringEx</span> ( long <span>row</span>, <br> string <span>column</span>, string <span>dwbuffer</span>, boolean <span>originalvalue</span> ) |
[Web ActiveX]
1 |
string <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetItemUnformattedString</span> (number <span>row</span>, <br> number <span>column</span>, number <span>dwbuffer</span>, boolean <span>originalvalue</span> )<br>string <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetItemUnformattedString</span> ( number <span>row</span>, <br> string <span>column</span>, number <span>dwbuffer</span>, boolean <span>originalvalue</span> ) |
Argument |
Description |
dwcontrol |
A reference to a DataWindow control, |
row |
A value identifying the row location |
column |
The column location of the data. The To get the contents of a computed field, specify the name of |
dwbuffer (optional) |
A value of the dwBuffer enumerated datatype (PowerBuilder) |
originalvalue (optional) |
A boolean indicating whether you want
If you specify dwbuffer, you must also |
Use GetItemUnformattedString in place of GetItemString when
you want to return the value from a column without its display format.
This is especially useful if the column in question is a computed
These statements set LName to the current string
in the primary buffer for row 3 of in the column named emp_name
in the DataWindow dw_employee. The retrieved value is unformatted:
1 |
String LName |
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LName = dw_employee.<span>GetItemUnformattedString</span>(3, "emp_name") |