DS_Failover – PB Docs 126

DS_Failover database parameter


When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database
in PowerBuilder through Open Client, DS_Failover is one of
several parameters that you can set to enable network-based directory
services in your application. (For other directory services parameters,
see the See Also section.)

Sybase Open Client Client–Library (CT-Lib) requires
a directory to map logical server names to network addresses. The
source for this directory can be either the Sybase Interfaces file
or a network-based directory service provider (such as DCE Cell
Directory Services or the Windows Registry).

If you want an application to use a directory source other
the Interfaces file, CT-Lib must be able to load
the appropriate directory driver. If CT-Lib cannot load the required
driver, you can set DS_Failover to specify whether CT-Lib
should silently default (fail over) to using the Interfaces file
as the directory source.

By default, DS_Failover specifies that CT-Lib should
use the Interfaces file as the directory source if it cannot load
the requested directory driver.

You must specify a value for DS_Failover before connecting
to the database in PowerBuilder.

note.png Using third-party directory service providers

For information about the third-party directory
service providers and operating system platforms that Sybase has
tested with Open Client directory services, see the Open Client


  • ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive
    Server Enterprise





Specifies whether Sybase CT-Lib should
silently default (fail over) to using the Interfaces file as the
directory source if it cannot load the requested directory driver.
Values are:

  • 0

    Prohibit CT-Lib from using the Interfaces file as the directory
    source if it cannot load the requested directory driver. You can
    also specify 'No' or 'False' to
    set this value.

  • 1

    (Default) Allow CT-Lib to use the Interfaces file as the directory
    source if it cannot load the requested directory driver. You can
    also specify 'Yes' or 'True' to
    set this value.




When to use

To prevent CT-Lib from using the Interfaces file as the directory source
if it cannot load the requested directory driver, set DS_Failover
to 0.

If DS_Failover is set to 0 to prevent use of the
Interfaces file and CT-Lib cannot load the requested directory driver,
the connection’s directory source is undefined. This causes
certain operations requiring directory access to fail.

Set Release parameter

For this parameter to take effect, you must also
set the Release parameter to 11or higher to specify that your application
should use the appropriate version of Sybase Open Client Client–Library
(CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter
for more information.

Requirements for use

To use DS_Failover or any other parameter supporting Open
Client directory services, you must meet certain requirements for
using directory services in your PowerBuilder application. For details,
see “Requirements for using Open Client directory services” in Connecting
to Your Database

Corresponding CT-Lib connection property

Specifying a value for DS_Failover sets the corresponding
Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_DS_FAILOVER.


To prohibit CT-Lib from using the Interfaces file
as the directory source if it cannot load the requested directory

  • Database profile

    Clear the Enable Failover check box on the Directory Services
    page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.

  • Application

    Type the following in code:

See Also

Document get from Powerbuilder help
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