Database Profiles dialog box – PB Docs 150

Database Profiles dialog box


Lists the installed database interfaces and database profiles
defined for each interface. Enables you to create, edit, and delete
database profiles.

Reconnecting to a database after editing the

After editing a profile, right-click the profile name and
select Re-connect. The Connect button is not enabled because you
are already connected to the database.


Installed Database Interfaces list

Lists the database interfaces installed with the Setup program
and lists defined database profiles for each interface. When you
run the Setup program, it updates the Vendors list in the [Database] section
of your PowerBuilder or InfoMaker initialization file with the the interfaces
you install. The Database Profiles dialog box displays the same interfaces
that appear in the Vendors list.

You can easily display or hide the list of installed database
interfaces or profiles for a particular interface.

  • To display or hide the
    list of installed database interfaces:

    Double-click Installed Database Interfaces.

  • To display the list of database profiles
    defined for a particular interface:

    Click the plus sign (+) preceding the interface name
    or double-click the interface name.

  • To hide the list of database profiles
    for a particular interface:

    Click the minus sign (-) preceding the interface name or double-click
    the interface name.


Connects to the database specified in the selected profile.
Select a database profile name and click Connect to access the database. (Alternatively, right-click
the database profile and select Connect.)


Displays the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the selected interface
to create a new database profile. Select an interface name and click New
to display the Database Profile Setup dialog box for that interface. (Alternatively,
right-click an interface and select New.)


Displays the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the selected
profile to edit the profile. Select a database profile name and
click Edit to display the Database Profile Setup dialog box for
that profile. (Alternatively, right-click a database profile and
select Edit.)


Deletes the selected database profile from the Installed Database Interfaces
list and removes the profile entry from your PowerBuilder or InfoMaker
initialization file. Select a database profile name and click Delete
to remove it from the list for your interface. (Alternatively, right-click
a database profile and select Delete.)

See also

Document get from Powerbuilder help
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