Database Preferences dialog box: General tab
You can set preferences that affect the behavior of the Database
painter and of your current database connection in other painters.
Dialog options
Shared Database Profiles
Specify the path name of the initialization file containing
the database profiles you want to share. You can type the path name
or click Browse to display it.
Connect to Default Profile
Clear to specify that the Database painter opens without establishing
a connection to a database. Check (the default) to specify that
the Database painter establishes a connection to a database using
a default profile when the painter is invoked.
Keep Connection Open
When you connect to a database in PowerBuilder without using
a database profile, specifies when the database connection is closed.
Clear to specify that PowerBuilder should open a connection only
when a painter requests it and close the connection when you close
the painter or finish compiling a script.Select (the default) to
specify that PowerBuilder should stay connected to the database throughout
your session and close the connection when you exit..
Use Extended Attributes
Clear to specify that PowerBuilder should not create and use
the extended attribute system tables. Check (the default) to specify
that PowerBuilder should create and use the tables.
Read Only
Check to specify that PowerBuilder should not update the extended
attribute system tables or other database tables. Clear (the default)
to specify that PowerBuilder should update the extended attribute system
tables and other database tables.
Columns in Table Display
Specify the number of table columns to be displayed when PowerBuilder
displays a table graphically. The default is eight.
SQL Terminator Character
Specify the SQL statement terminator character used by the
ISQL view in the Database painter. The default SQL terminator character
is a semicolon (;).Make sure that the character you choose is not reserved
for another use by your database vendor. For example, using the
slash character (/) will cause compilation errors with
some DBMSs.
Refresh Table List
Specify how frequently you want the table list to be refreshed
from the database. The default is 30 minutes.
Reset all options to the default settings.