Creating a custom server component in EAServer
You can install and configure a custom Web DataWindow server
component in EAServer Manager.
In this procedure, you create a custom version of the EAServer server component with custom
properties preset in EAServer Manager.

The procedure in this section describes how to create a custom
component in EAServer Manager
that uses the generic DataWindow::HTMLGenerator126 interface. You
can also create a custom component with a Web DataWindow Container
project. For more information, see “The Web DataWindow Container
project wizard”.
The procedures for creating a custom component depend on the
version of EAServer you are using.
To create a Web DataWindow custom component in EAServer 5.x:
In the left pane of EAServer Manager,
under the server name, right-click Packages and select New Package
from the pop-up menu. -
In the New Package dialog box, type a package
name (you cannot change it later) and click Create A New Package.For example, use EmpListPkg to identify a package for an application called
EmpList. -
On the General tab of the Package Properties dialog
box, enter a description of the package and click OK.For example, enter DataWindow Components for EmpList
app to describe EmpListPkg in terms of the application
that you are customizing it for. -
In the left pane of EAServer Manager,
under the server name, right-click the new package and choose Install
Component from the pop-up menu. -
In the wizard, choose the Define New Component
radio button and click Next. -
Specify the name of your custom component (you
cannot change it later) and click Finish.For example, use EmpListDW to identify a component that uses
the d_emplist DataWindow object. -
In the Component Properties dialog on the General
tab, specify:Module
and interfaceDataWindow::HTMLGenerator126
TypePowerBuilder NVO
Class Namenv_remote_datawindow
Library Listpbdwr126.pbd
PowerBuilder Application
On the All Properties tab, add the properties
for which you want preset values.
To create a Web DataWindow custom component in EAServer 6.x:
In the left pane of Sybase Management Console,
right-click CORBA Packages under EAServer Manager>Local
Server and select Add from the pop-up menu. -
On the second page of the New Package wizard,
type a package name (you cannot change it later) and click Finish.The package name displays under the CORBA Packages node in
the left pane of the console. -
Right-click Components under the new package name
in the left pane of the console, and select Add from the pop-up
menu. -
Specify the name of your custom component on the
second page of the wizard (you cannot change it later) and click
Finish. -
On the General tab of the component properties
sheet that displays in the right pane of the console, specify the
TypePowerBuilder NVO
NVO Classnv_remote_datawindow
Library Listpbdwr126.pbd
IDL Remote Interface
On the Advanced tab of the component property
sheet, add the properties for which you want preset values.