Connection property
(Optional) Specifies the default package
to be used for EAServer components.
If you specify the default package in the Application property,
you do not need to specify a package in the second parameter of
the CreateInstance function.
An object of type PowerObject containing
information about the class definition of the object or control.
Obsolete property. Used for distributed
PowerBuilder connections.
The communications driver used for the
connection. To connect to EAServer,
specify Jaguar.
Code indicating the success or failure
of the most recent operation. Values are:
0 – Success
50 – Distributed service error
52 – Distributed communications error
53 – Requested server not active
54 – Server not accepting requests
55 – Request terminated abnormally
56 – Response to request incomplete
57 – Not connected
58 – Object instance does not exist
62 – Server busy
75 – Server forced client to disconnect
80 – Server timed out client connection
87 – Connection to server has been lost
92 – Required property is missing or invalid
Text indicating the success or failure
of the most recent operation.
Internal use only.
Specifies the host name and port number
for the EAServer server.
Alternatively, the Location property can specify a fully–qualified
URL that uses one of the following formats:
iiop://<span>host</span>:<span>port</span> |
iiops://<span>host</span>:<span>port</span> |
http://<span>host</span>:<span>port</span> |
https://<span>host</span>:<span>port</span> |
To take advantage of EAServer’s load
balancing and failover support, you can also specify a semicolon-separated
list of server locations (for example, “iiop://srv1:9000;iiop://srv2:9000 “).
Specifies one or more communications
options. If you specify more than one option, you need to separate
the options with commas.
EAServer clients
can use the Options property of the Connection object to set ORB
and SSL property values. Each ORB property value you specify must
begin with ORB . For example,
you can specify the path and name of the log file by specifying
a value for ORBLogFile.
See “Options” next.
The password that will be used to connect
to the server.
Obsolete property. Used for distributed
PowerBuilder connections.
The name or ID of the user who will connect
to the server.
Specifies whether the ORB should use
HTTP tunneling to connect to the server. A setting of true specifies
HTTP tunneling. The default is false. This parameter can
also be set in an environment variable, JAG_HTTP. Some
firewalls may not allow IIOP packets through, but almost all allow
HTTP packets through. When connecting through such firewalls, set
this property to false.
Specifies the time, in seconds, that
a connection is allowed to sit idle. When the timeout expires, the
ORB closes the connection. The default is 0 ,
which specifies that connections can never time out. The connection
timeout does not affect the life of proxy instance references; the
ORB may close and reopen connections transparently between proxy
method calls. Specifying a finite timeout for your client applications
can improve server performance. If many instances of the client
run simultaneously, a finite client connection timeout limits the
number of server connections that are devoted to idle clients. A
finite timeout also allows rebalancing of server load in an application
that uses a cluster of servers.
Specifies whether the ORB should log
IIOP protocol trace information. A setting of true enables
logging. The default is false. This parameter
can also be set in an environment variable, JAG_LOGIIOP.
When this parameter is enabled, you must set the ORBLogFile option
(or the corresponding environment variable) to specify the file
where protocol log information is written.
Sets the path and name of the file to
which to log client execution status and error messages. This parameter
can also be set in an environment variable, JAG_LOGFILE.
The default setting is no log .
Sets the code set that the client uses.
This parameter can also be set in an environment variable, JAG_CODESET.
The default setting is utf8.
Specifies the number of times to retry
when the initial attempt to connect to the server fails. This parameter
can also be set in an environment variable, JAG_RETRYCOUNT.
The default is 5 .
Specifies the delay, in milliseconds,
between retry attempts when the initial attempt to connect to the
server fails. This parameter can also be set in an environment variable,
JAG_RETRYDELAY. The default is 2000 .
Specifies the machine name or the IP
address of an SSL proxy.
Specifies the port number of the SSL
Specifies the host name or IP address
of an HTTP proxy server that supports generic Web tunneling, sometimes
called connect-based tunneling. There is no default for this property,
and you must specify both the host name and port number properties.
You can also specify the property by setting the environment variable
When generic Web tunneling is enabled
by setting ORBWebProxyHost, specifies the port number at which the
HTTP proxy server accepts connections. There is no default for this
property, and you must specify both a host name and port. You can
also specify the property by setting the environment variable JAG_WEBPROXYPORT.
An optional setting to specify what extra
information is appended to the header of each HTTP packet sent to
a proxy server (specified with the ORBWebProxyHost parameter). You
can also specify the property by setting the property JAG_HTTPEXTRAHEADER.
There is no need to set this property unless you have configured
the ORB to connect through an HTTP proxy server, and your HTTP proxy
server has special protocol requirements. By default, the following
line is appended to each packet:
User-agent: Jaguar/<span>major</span>.<span>minor</span> |
where major and minor are
the major and minor version numbers of your EAServer client software, respectively.
You can set this property to specify text to be included at
the end of each HTTP header. If multiple lines are included in the
setting, they must be separated by carriage return and line feed
characters. If the setting does not include a “User–agent: ”
line, then the default setting above is included in the HTTP header.
Specifies the number of times a network
connection can be reused to call methods from one server. The default
is 0, which indicates no limit. The default is ideal for short-lived
clients. The default may not be appropriate for a long-running client
program that calls many methods from servers in a cluster. If sockets
are reused indefinitely, the client may build an affinity for servers
that it has already connected to rather than randomly distributing
its server-side processing load among all the servers in the cluster.
In these cases, the property should be tuned to best balance client
performance against cluster load distribution. In Sybase testing,
a setting of 10 to 30 proved to be a good starting point. If the
reuse limit is too low, client performance degrades.
Specifies the client certificate to use
if the connection requires mutual authentication. The label is a
simple name that identifies an X.509 certificate/private
key in a PKCS #11 token.
Required for mutual authentication.
Specifies the name of a security characteristic
to use.
Required for SSL.
Specifies the size of the SSL session
ID cache. Default is 100.
Specifies the PKCS #11 token
PIN. This is required for logging in to a PKCS #11 token
for client authentication and for retrieving trust information.
Required for SSL.
Optional string that can be used to provide
user-specified context information.
Specifies the path name for the Entrust
INI file that provides information on how to access Entrust.
Required when the ORBuseEntrustid property
is set to true.
Specifies the full path to the file containing
an Entrust user profile. Optional when the Entrust single-login
feature is available, required otherwise.
Specifies whether to use the Entrust
ID or the Sybase PKCS #11 token for authentication. This
is a Boolean property. If set to FALSE,
Sybase PKCS #11 token properties are valid and Entrust-specific
properties are ignored. If set to true, Entrust-specific
properties are valid and Sybase PKCS #11 token properties
are ignored.
Specifies the password for logging in
to Entrust with the specified user profile. Optional when the Entrust
single-login feature is available, required otherwise.
Thank you for watching.