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Accessing a database from a COM component – PB Docs 100 – PowerBuilder Library

Accessing a database from a COM component – PB Docs 100

Accessing a database from a COM component

To take advantage of COM+ support for transaction
management, you need to use one of the database interfaces supported
by COM+ to connect to your database. For more information
about database connections for components developed in PowerBuilder,
see Connecting to Your Database

COM components developed in PowerBuilder can use DataStores
to interact with the database. DataStores are nonvisual DataWindow
controls that act just like DataWindow controls except that they
do not have visual attributes. They can be useful in a distributed
application: they give you the ability to perform database processing
on a remote server instead of on each client computer.

For more information about using DataStores for database access
in a transaction server environment, see “Using DataStores”.

Passing result sets

PowerBuilder provides three system objects to handle getting
result sets from components running in transaction server environments
and returning result sets from PowerBuilder user objects running as
transaction server components. These system objects, ResultSet,
ResultSets, and ADOResultSet, are designed to simplify the conversion
of transaction server result sets to and from DataStore objects
and do not contain any state information. They are not designed
to be used for database updates. You can use ADOResultSet only with COM

COM+ uses ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) RecordSet objects
to return result sets. An ADO Recordset object consists of records
(rows) and fields (columns) and represents the set of records in
a database table.

ADO Recordsets and PowerBuilder system objects

In PowerBuilder you use functions on the PowerBuilder ADOResultSet system
object to get and set data that is passed in an ADO Recordset. PowerBuilder clients
use OLEObjects to handle ADO Recordsets. You use the CreateFrom and GenerateResultSet functions
on the DataStore object to convert the result sets stored in ResultSet
objects to and from DataStore objects.

note.gif About GenerateResultSet GenerateResultSet has an alternative syntax
used for returning result sets when using MASP (Method as Stored
Procedure) with EAServer.

Table 27-3 summarizes
how these objects interact.

Table 27-3: Result set objects
a variable of this type
In this
ResultSet As the return value of a method (function)
defined for a COM component. The data is marshaled as an ADO Recordset.
OLEObject To hold the ADO Recordset returned from
a method on a COM component that returns a ResultSet. The OLEObject
can be manipulated using ADO Recordset functions such as MoveFirst.
ADOResultSet Use SetResultSet to
populate an ADOResultSet object with data from a ResultSet object.

Use SetRecordSet to populate an ADOResultSet
object with data from an OLEObject that holds an ADO Recordset.

Use GetRecordSet to populate an OLEObject
with data from an ADOResultSet. The OLEObject can be manipulated
using ADO Recordset functions such as MoveFirst.

DataStore Use CreateFrom to
create a DataStore from an object of type ResultSet or ADOResultSet.

Use GenerateResultSet to generate a ResultSet
object from a DataStore object in a method on a transaction server.
The ResultSet object can be returned to a client.

Accessing result sets in COM components from PowerBuilder clients

When a PowerBuilder client calls a COM component method that
returns an ADO Recordset, the data returned is stored in an OLEObject
object. You can manipulate the data in the ADO Recordset using Recordset functions,
as described in “Using ADO Recordsets
in PowerBuilder”

To use the data stored in the OLEObject object to populate
a DataStore object, create an ADOResultSet object and then call
its SetRecordSet function to populate it with
data stored in the OLEObject object.

The data in the ADOResultSet object can be used to populate
a DataStore object using the CreateFrom DataStore

Using ADO Recordsets
in PowerBuilder

If you want to manipulate an ADO Recordset in PowerBuilder using
ADO Recordset methods such as MoveFirst or MoveNext,
you can use the SetResultSet and GetRecordSet functions.
Use SetResultSet to populate a new ADOResultSet
object with data from a ResultSet object, then use GetRecordSet to
return the ADO Recordset.

This example generates a result set in a ResultSet object
from an existing DataStore object. The ResultSet object is used
to populate a new ADOResultSet object. The GetRecordSet function
on the ADOResultSet object is used to return an ADO Recordset as
an OLEObject that can be used with ADO Recordset methods.

Returning result sets from COM and COM+ components

To pass or return result sets from a PowerBuilder user object
that will be deployed to COM or COM+, set the datatype
of a function’s argument or return value to ResultSet.
When the GenerateResultSet function is called
to create a result set from a DataStore object in COM or COM+,
the result set is marshaled and returned to the client as an ADO

In this example, a DataStore object is created and data is
retrieved into it, and then the GenerateResultSet function
is used to create a result set that can be returned to a client:

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