About VPATs
A Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a table designed to help U.S. Federal officials
make preliminary assessments of accessibility compliance for products
offered to the government for sale. A VPAT lists the criteria for
compliance with accessibility requirements for various types of products
and provides columns where you can indicate and comment on how your
product meets them.
VPATs are available for software applications and operating
systems, Web–based Internet information and applications,
and other types of products. Even if you do not need to fill out
a VPAT, reviewing the template for your type of product can give
you a clearer understanding of the requirements of Section 508 for
software and Web applications.
For more information
To view the various VPATs, see the Information Technology Industry Council Web site
To see samples of completed VPATs for IT products, see the Sybase accessibility site