PowerBuilder Function

PowerBuilder With WebView2

PowerBuilder Using WebView2 Powerbuilder Using Microsoft Edge WebView2. You must first install Microsoft Edge WebView2 for your computer. download from https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/#download-section. WebView2 property https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.web.webview2.winforms.webview2?view=webview2-dotnet-1.0.1661.34 Code Example unv_webview2_helper from nonvisualobject ux_webview2 from userobject w_webview2 from window Source get from internet Here is the source code PBNI105. Can upgrade and build for other PBNI versions. WebView2 Extension…

PowerBuilder Reading And Writing Excel Files

PowerBuilder Reading And Writing Excel Files Code Example isinvmware from function_object isinvpc from function_object cxls from nonvisualobject n_tp_excel from nonvisualobject n_tp_xlsfont from nonvisualobject n_tp_xlsformat from nonvisualobject n_tp_xlssheet from nonvisualobject w_main from window Writing data reading data Placing pictures Writing formulas Reading and writing date/time values Access to sheet by name Merging cells Inserting rows and…

Dynamic Xml To Datawindow In PowerBuilder

Dynamic Xml To Datawindow In PowerBuilder XML Syntax for XML2DW: Syntax: <column>column1 name</column> <column>column2 name</column> … Example: <column>col1</column> <column>col2</column> <column>col3</column> Syntax: <column> <name>column1 name</name> [<label>column1 label</label>] [<type>column1 datatype</type>] [<width>column1 width</width>] [<value>column1 value</value>] </column> <column> <name>column2 name</name> [<label>column2 label</label>] [<type>column2 datatype</type>] [<width>column2 width</width>] [<value>column2 value</value>] </column> … Example: <column> <name>col1</name> <label>Column #1</label> <type>char(10)</type> <width>300</width> <value>abcdefghij</value> </column>…

PowerBuilder Format Datetime

In PowerBuilder, you can use a variety of format strings to display date values as strings. Here’s a list of commonly used format strings: These are just a few examples of the many format strings you can use to display date values as strings. You can adjust the format string to display the date in…

PowerBuilder Toast Notification

PowerBuilder Toast Notification Code Example n_cst_systemtray from nonvisualobject n_cst_systemtray_shared from nonvisualobject n_cst_systemtray_callback from nonvisualobject w_main from window Find Projects On Github click here Good Luck!

PowerBuilder Get Operating System is 32-bit or 64-bit

PowerBuilder Get Osbit running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows you can use the Windows API to determine the operating system architecture. Here is some sample code that you can use in PowerBuilder 10.5 to determine the operating system architecture This code calls the GetNativeSystemInfo Windows API function to retrieve information about the system…

Ean13 Barcode In PowerBuilder

Ean13 Barcode In PowerBuilder You MUST install the EAN 13 TrueType font included in the zip file with this sample application in order to be able to display EAN 13 barcodes. To install the font in Windows 10, open the Fonts applet in the Windows Control Panel, then drag/drop the .ttf file into the main…

PowerBuilder Code Examples

PowerBuilder Code Examples get in the install the versions of powerbuilder that are built in by the publisher. I share it with the community Find Projects On Github click here Good Luck!